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What’s the state of the EU?

EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has given her third State of the Union address.  The annual speech in the European Parliament is an opportunity for the Commission President to take stock and discuss her priorities over the coming months. So, what is the state of the EU?  Von der Leyen covered several topics during her

How can the world prevent the weaponisation of space?

Is it naïve to the want to prevent the militarisation of space?  A new report from Friends of Europe – “Running out of Space: European security in space,” authored by Paul Taylor – argues that the war in Ukraine has demonstrated multiple uses of space in combat, from the privatisation of satellite intelligence and military

Should water, gas, and electricity utilities be nationalised?

Should basic services such as water, gas, and electricity utilities be governed by the free market?  Or should they be considered a “public good”, and nationalised to keep prices down? It’s an old leftwing policy that fell out of fashion in the 1980s, but with energy prices skyrocketing and vulnerable households facing energy poverty, could

Can going into space help solve Earth’s big challenges?

We recently partnered with Debating Africa for a fascinating discussion on how going into space can improve life on Earth. Space expansion has provided a realm of opportunities for Earth. Satellites are transforming the agricultural sector, providing a level of accuracy that contributes to sustainable farming practices. Meanwhile, we’ve had unprecedented insight into the Ukraine war due to commercial imagery, social-media clips

How can Europe achieve energy sovereignty?

The EU has a difficult road ahead to reach climate neutrality by 2050 Even before the war in Ukraine, the obstacles were already substantial. However, given the current context of rising energy prices, achieving a just transition to a more sustainable future will be even more challenging. On 14 June 2022, the think-tank Friends of

Is the Franco-German engine of European integration restarting?

The Conference on the Future of Europe has concluded!  The largest ever pan-European consultation with citizens presented its final report in the European Parliament on Europe Day, 9 May 2022. In response, French President Emmanuel Macron has said he will, at the June European Council Summit of EU leaders, raise the possibility a constitutional convention to discuss treaty change.

UNSER EUROPA – UNSERE ZUKUNFT 10 Forderungen für eine zukunftsfeste Europäische Union

Turbulente Zeiten für Europa Waffenlieferungen an die Ukraine, wirtschaftlicher Abschwung, Sorgen um dieEnergieversorgung und Ungewissheit über eine Zukunft in Frieden und Wohlstand– politischen Zündstoff gibt es dieser Tage nicht zu knapp. Grund genug von jenenzu hören, die von den heutigen Entscheidungen in Europa auch in Zukunft ammeisten betroffen sein werden: die junge Generation. Was fordern

Braucht unsere Demokratie ein Update?

Kann unsere Demokratie die Pandemie überleben? Diese Frage stellten sich viele Beobachter im Frühjahr 2020, als Regierungen gezwungen waren, drastische Maßnahmen zur Eindämmung des Coronavirus zu ergreifen. Zwei Jahre später stellen wir fest, dass die europäische Demokratie zwar nicht untergegangen ist, doch dass die Pandemie einige schwere Verletzungen hinterlassen hat und Putins Krieg in der

Who will win the French elections?

Leaders of Germany, Spain and Portugal have called on French voters to re-elect Macron. France’s upcoming Presidential election on Sunday 24 April could decide the future of the European Union, the course of the war in Ukraine, and potentially even the fate of Russian dictator Vladimir Putin. The two candidates have strikingly different visions for the future of