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Policy Voices | EU Elections Series

Introducing Policy Voices: Europe Elections Series

We are excited to announce the launch of our new podcast series, Policy Voices: Europe Elections! This five-part series delves into the most pressing issues facing Europe today. Each episode offers in-depth analysis, expert interviews, and thoughtful discussions on critical policy areas that are shaping the future of the European Union.

1. European Defence
Explore the current state and future prospects of European defence. Click here to listen now!

2. Artificial Intelligence
Join us as we dive into the world of Artificial Intelligence. We’ll discuss its transformative impact on various sectors, ethical considerations, and how Europe is positioning itself in the global AI race. Click here to listen now!

3. Climate Change
This episode will focus on Europe’s climate policies, the Green Deal, and the continent’s efforts to combat climate change. Hear from leading experts on what needs to be done to meet the EU’s ambitious environmental goals. Click here to listen now!

4. Migration and Fundamental Rights
Understand the complex dynamics of migration within and to Europe, and the fundamental rights at stake. We’ll examine policies, humanitarian challenges, and the socio-political impacts of migration. Click here to listen now!

5. EU Budget and the Cost of Living
Conclude the series with an insightful look at the EU budget, economic policies, and their effects on the cost of living. Click here to listen now!

Join us as we navigate the pivotal issues influencing the European elections. Whether you’re a policy enthusiast, a concerned citizen, or simply curious about the future of Europe, the Policy Voices: Europe Elections series is your essential guide to understanding the key debates and decisions that will shape the continent.

Stay tuned, stay informed, and be part of the conversation.

Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.