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Will the war in Ukraine restart ‘frozen conflicts’ in Eastern Europe?

How frozen are Eastern Europe’s ‘frozen conflicts’? 

You’ve probably heard the term ‘frozen conflict’ being used, but does it really capture what’s happening on the ground? Technically, the phrase is used to describe places where fighting has taken place and has come to an end, but where there is currently no peace treaty or formal political solution in place.

So-called frozen conflicts are particularly prevalent in parts of the former Soviet Union where modern-day Russia still has (or wishes to have) significant influence. As well as Transnistria and Nagorno-Karabakh, many experts considered Crimea, as well as Donetsk and Luhansk in South-Eastern Ukraine, to be such frozen conflicts.

Are we heading for a new reality in the post-Soviet sphere? 

Following the launch of Putin’s all-out war on Ukraine, the terminology of ‘frozen conflicts’ has come into question. Indeed, many are worried whether the war could now spread and ‘unfreeze’ some of these conflicts.

Reason enough for Debating Europe to ask young citizens about their thoughts. We talked to Mar, junior expert in peace, security, and defence at Friends of Europe; Jules, currently living and working in Kosovo, another example of a frozen conflict, and Mariami, from Georgia.

Curious to hear what they have to say?

 Find out why Jules rejects the term ‘frozen conflict’; see what Mar contributes to the renewed debate on EU membership for states suffering from frozen conflicts; have a listen to Mariami’s elaboration on increased military spending in many EU countries and how this might impact the Ukrainian refugee crisis.

Click on the video above for this and much more food for thought.

Will the War in Ukraine Restart ‘Frozen Conflicts’ in Eastern Europe? 

Do you agree with the opinions voiced in the video? Or do you see it entirely different? What comes to your mind when you hear of frozen conflicts? Are you concerned? Share your thoughts with us in the form below and we will take them to experts and policymakers to get a reaction!

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.