From Voices to Action: Building a Water-Resilient Europe
The “2024 Voices – Citizens Speak Up!” report we released in late February 2024 revealed a clear message from citizens across Europe: water scarcity is a growing concern, and concrete action is needed. This online panel discussion brought together public and private sector leaders to react to citizens’ insights and explore how to turn the tide.
- Moderator: Luke O’Callaghan-White, Programme Manager Climate, Energy & Sustainability, Friends of Europe
- Claudia Olazabal, Head of Unit ‘Sustainable Freshwater Management’, DG ENV, European Commission
- Filip Hebbrecht, Manager, Natuurpunt
- Wouter Vermeulen, Vice President Sustainability & Public Policy Europe, The Coca Cola Company
Together they delved into:
- Maintaining Momentum: How can we ensure water resilience remains a top priority on the EU agenda?
- Breaking Silos: How can we better connect the dots between water, nature, and climate action?
- Action not Talk: What concrete solutions and cross-sector collaborations can drive water resilience across Europe?
This timely discussion, recorded ahead of the 2024 EU Green Week dedicated to water resilience, is a must-watch for EU policymakers seeking to translate citizen concerns into meaningful action.

With the support of:
Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.