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From Education to Employment: Bridging the Skills and Opportunities Gap for Youth

The 2023-2024 European Year of Skills highlighted a critical disconnect between education and the green jobs market, an issue echoed by young people in the findings of our “2024 Voices – Citizens Speak Up!” report. In our online panel discussion “From Education to Employment: Bridging the Skills and Opportunities Gap for Youth”, public and private sector leaders unpack these concerns and explore the following collaborative solutions:

  • Bridging the Skills Gap: How can companies, NGOs, and institutions collaborate to ensure education and training meet the needs of the green and digital job market?
  • Empowering Youth: What concrete steps should the next EU institution leaders take to equip young Europeans with the right skills and knowledge for a sustainable future?
  • The Role of the Private Sector: How can the private sector contribute to empower youth in the European job market?

Joining us:

  • Moderator: Alessandra Cardaci, Head of Programming and Operations, Debating Europe
  • Victor Negrescu, Vice-president of the European Parliament
  • Vibe Lindgård Bach, CEO, ReDI School of Digital Integration
  • Minh-Huy Lai, COO, Generation Europe

With the support of:

Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.